Send who back to where? When will you send yourself?

White supremacists have always been a group that, at least from a distance, I find really interesting. The thought process that has to go into genuinely segregating oneself so much that they cannot see the humanity in another person, or just don’t care to know it, and often still identify very strongly with Christian orContinue reading “Send who back to where? When will you send yourself?”

How much do you know about Voter Fraud?

Twenty-three percent of the names — nearly 1.6 million of them — lack matching middle names. “Jr.” and “Sr.” are ignored, potentially disenfranchising two generations in the same family. And, notably, of those who may have voted twice in the 2012 presidential election, 27 percent were listed as “inactive” voters, meaning that almost 1.9 million may not even have voted once in that race, according to Crosscheck’s own records.