Why I’m DONE Tolerating Microaggressions

This past week, my family attended a food conference. Overall, it was an incredibly enjoyable experience. The sponsoring organization is full of passionate, dedicated, intellectual and action-oriented people who believe in the power of collective activism. The retreat center at which it was held is nearby to mountains, has a farm and lake on-site, and hasContinue reading “Why I’m DONE Tolerating Microaggressions”

A Response to Repossession: Reclaimed Slurs and Lexicography

I have always found words to carry great power. The pen is mightier than the sword, they say, and I believe it to be true. As an avid reader in my youth, words built worlds and tore them down; a good book could quiet me from any crying spell, and I’d lose myself in myContinue reading “A Response to Repossession: Reclaimed Slurs and Lexicography”

Only Empathy Can Solve This. Can You Find Yours?

This civil rights lawyer sort of put my thoughts into words way better than I could’ve. It’s really true. Maybe some people are getting facts wrong. Maybe some people are saying facts don’t matter. But the point is this; sometimes facts and labels make for great talking points. They make for great ways for peopleContinue reading “Only Empathy Can Solve This. Can You Find Yours?”

How to Talk to Someone about Privilege Who Doesn’t Know What That Is

View Original Post on EverydayFeminism.com (note: This is posted here in its entirety for your convenience, but you should definitely click the link and read it on everydayfeminism.com) December 7, 2012 by Jamie Utt   I once published a piece about white privilege, and my white friend’s dad lost it. He read it and immediately calledContinue reading “How to Talk to Someone about Privilege Who Doesn’t Know What That Is”