Only Empathy Can Solve This. Can You Find Yours?

This civil rights lawyer sort of put my thoughts into words way better than I could’ve. It’s really true. Maybe some people are getting facts wrong. Maybe some people are saying facts don’t matter. But the point is this; sometimes facts and labels make for great talking points. They make for great ways for peopleContinue reading “Only Empathy Can Solve This. Can You Find Yours?”

Ferguson, White Privilege, and Human Lives Mattering

Since the grand jury verdict in the case against Michael Brown’s shooter has been made public, a lot has gone down. People’s Facebook friendships have been reevaluated. People have asked what they can do to feel useful and make change, and when given concrete tasks, have opted to go out and protest and march forContinue reading “Ferguson, White Privilege, and Human Lives Mattering”