Privilege amongst the privileged; discussing “the terms” at Lehigh University

Reposted from The Brown and White: While pursuing the humanities and social science sections of any library, you’re likely to come across a laundry list of politically-charged and contested terms: white privilege, male privilege, the gender gap, heteronormativity, rape culture, American exceptionalism and first world problems. Well, okay, maybe not that last one. These highbrowContinue reading “Privilege amongst the privileged; discussing “the terms” at Lehigh University”


In lieu of a post today, I would like to make two announcements. Firstly, I have posted the Glossary page. It’s in its infancy stages, so comment here (or using the box on the page itself) on what other terms you’d like to see defined. I’m excited to build this page to help us allContinue reading “Announcements!”

Why I’m DONE Tolerating Microaggressions

This past week, my family attended a food conference. Overall, it was an incredibly enjoyable experience. The sponsoring organization is full of passionate, dedicated, intellectual and action-oriented people who believe in the power of collective activism. The retreat center at which it was held is nearby to mountains, has a farm and lake on-site, and hasContinue reading “Why I’m DONE Tolerating Microaggressions”

Ferguson, White Privilege, and Human Lives Mattering

Since the grand jury verdict in the case against Michael Brown’s shooter has been made public, a lot has gone down. People’s Facebook friendships have been reevaluated. People have asked what they can do to feel useful and make change, and when given concrete tasks, have opted to go out and protest and march forContinue reading “Ferguson, White Privilege, and Human Lives Mattering”